


承 1. 接受,擔當 2. 謙詞,受到 3. 繼续,接续 4. 托着,接着 5. 姓
例: 承諾 承辦 承蒙關照 承受 多承指教 承前啟後

成 1. 成功,完成 2. 成為 3. 收成 4. 完備,完善的階段 5. 已定的做好的 6. 許可,答應 7. 數量多或時間長 8. 有能力 9. 表示十分之一 10. 姓

例: 木已成舟,成坐享其成, 成品,成蟲,成人,成規 (e.g. 墨守成規),成藥,成千上萬,那可不成,增產一成,八成新

各位讀者,我的中文常常有錯. 敬請:

  1. 各位不吝賜教
  2. 有興趣探討粵語俚語、漢語及英語智識的讀者提供題材
  3. 我會考慮利用上述資料寫寫新的博客題目,順便更正發現的錯誤。(這篇文章就是一個例子。)

我多年前已經下決心“犯錯快”(make mistakes faster),它的推論(corollary)便是“改錯要更快”(correct my mistakes even faster)


6 Responses to 承你貴言

  1. 山人 says:

    身為多產的英文筆耕者,重操放下多年的中文,偶然岀錯,能設法補救,值得鼓勵和支持. 若可進而有助讀者提高對中文的興趣,真是功德無量!


  2. kempton says:

    Thanks for your kind words, encouragement and correction. “成規”, e.g.墨守成規

    I know it will take time to get my Chinese up to a comfortable level again. Well, I am patient. :) After all, it is about time this “former U of T Chinese newspaper editor” to be able to write some half decent Chinese. :)

    While I am not giving myself excuse, I am giving myself some time to regain my lost Chinese writing skills.

  3. gwenzilla says:

    一齊努力啦!although I still making a lot of typo error…OR I just simply not knowing the word/字,現在有 internet 真的方便很多,可以在綱上查個清楚明白,我喜歡看這一類題目呀,寫多一點呀!”洛言”那邊都常有寫,不妨過那邊讀讀。

  4. kempton says:


    Please correct my mistakes or typos and I will gather some of these mistakes to write some blog entries.


  5. gwenzilla says:

    I don’t think I am in a position to correct you yet, if i do see it (I am able to recognize them as mistake), i will sure let you know. don’t hesitate to point out mine as well.

  6. kempton says:

    Thanks gwenzilla. I will do the same if I see any obvious mistakes.