兩周一聚: 香港二十

我喜歡香港的 (排名不分先後):

  1. 人多熱鬧
  2. 好多嘢好食(平嘢同貴嘢都有)
  3. 鏞記燒鵝 (由細食到大,有些感情)
  4. 鹿鳴春北京填鴨 (又係由細食到大)
  5. 以前的天星小輪
  6. 街上(莫名其妙)的靚女
  7. 地鐵
  8. 書店 (Swindon辰衝, 旺角各間二樓書屋, Page One)
  9. 好旺的旺角
  10. 親戚朋友,特別係小朋友
  11. 以前飛機在晚上降落啟德機場的感覺
  12. 多點運動量(因為地鐵方便,冇車都唔緊要)
  13. 當年初次離開香港出國讀書時,一大班同學到啟德機場送機動人的感覺
  14. 每次玩完離開香港,鬆一口氣時的感覺。


  1. 熱同潮濕
  2. 發神經地多的”名牌”店舖
  3. 街上自以為”靚”的女士
  4. 物質主義
  5. 有毒/有害國貨
  6. 香港特區政府
  7. 飛曱甴



12 Responses to 兩周一聚: 香港二十

  1. mad dog says:

    多些喜歡,小些討厭 ~ 太好了!

  2. kempton says:

    Thanks. 重有多謝mad dog你比機會我出咗呢個好題目。

  3. Haricot says:

    Somehow, my memory of 鏞記 was a very small restaurant where the servers dressed in typical Chinese waiter outfit 白唐裝伙計衫.

  4. cr says:

    每次玩完離開香港,鬆一口氣時的感覺。 => 同意。 :)

  5. kempton says:

    Haricot: 鏞記 is a multi-floored restaurant while it is not super large, I won’t call it small either. Hmmm, “白唐裝伙計衫”, I never quite pay attention to what they wear.

    cr: “我也很討厭物質主義,雖然我自己可能也深受其害。” Ha ha.

    It does take some energy to be different in Hong Kong especially (may be less in other places).

    For ladies (and men), if everyone is wearing some brand name clothing, it is so much easier to just do the same to feel “important”. It takes someone with determination, some self-confidence, and a lot of “I don’t care” attitude to do otherwise.

  6. […] dog, 微豆 Harico, maggiejoella,  lomichee, 凡鳥雛, 火羽, Vince, kempton, hevangel, readandeat, michelle, cr, chilli mon,  周游, Bungy-Zoe, 五點, Maple, Mugen […]

  7. 五點 says:

    I have an observation that those who are not in HK tend to like HK better.

    In fact, after coming back to HK for 10 years now I think the HK nowadays is very different from the one I grew up with. I even find myself having generation gap with people just slightly younger than me. The culture, the use of vocabularies, the attitude towards life, the value system… well everything is not the same…

    A small fisherman town has grown itself into a place that seems so foreign to me now… even though I am at the heart of it right now.

  8. kempton says:

    Hi ,

    > I have an observation that those who are not in HK tend to like HK better.

    May be, depends who you ask, and who you compare.

    The cultural gaps and values differences are very understandable. It is why I love Hong Kong but views her as a place that I visit, a place that I knew years ago, and know a lot less now.

    > even though I am at the heart of it right now.

    Have fun in Hong Kong

  9. gwenzilla says:

    I used to miss HK a lot!! and wanted to return for good. but somehow… the feeling no longer exist.
    Especially since I start blogging, reading all these HK bloggers give me a very bad impression of HK these days.

    I prefer the HK in my memory.

    • kempton says:


      I think Hong Kong has changed and the old and a bit idealized Hong Kong no longer exist. I don’t mind traveling to Hong Kong once in a while but, sadly, it is not a place I want to live anymore.